The Braver Angels of New York State in the News

Can we find a way to listen to, and even laugh with, one another again?
Written by Gabbi Timmis
The Fulcrum; December 19, 2023

Almost every time my boyfriend and I get into an argument, he ends up making me laugh. He can’t help it — or so he says — because he’s a born-and-bred Irishman, with dark humor in his blood. Usually when this happens — when I find myself fighting...
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Is Politics on the Menu for Thanksgiving?
Written by Don Scott
Halston Media News; November 20, 2023

One of our Thanksgiving gatherings from years ago is a day that lives in infamy. Things were going so well until two of my brothers-in-law got into it with my father over politics after a few glasses of wine. I may have contributed to the altercation,...
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A ‘Braver Angels’ Visit to Gettysburg
Written by Don Scott
Halston Media News; July 13, 2023

This July 4th marked the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. The anniversary was part of the draw for me to participate as a delegate in a convention of Braver Angels, which was held at Gettysburg College over four days following the...
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The 'Pleasant Politics' Party
Written by Don Scott
Halston Media News; July 5, 2023

Rarely does a good story come along that involves so many of my hot button issues (bipartisan cooperation, civics education, political polarization, and improving civil discourse). It started with a phone call last September out of the blue, which I first...
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Difficult conversations
Written by Don Scott
Halston Media News; April 6, 2023

As you have probably gathered from earlier columns of mine, I am a joiner. A friend of mine used to joke, we should start a local chapter of “Volunteers Anonymous” for those people who just find a hard time saying no. Whether it’s the little league, local...
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Left And Right Unite On Voter Integrity
Written by Randy Freeman
Halston Media News; April 3, 2023

SOMERS, N.Y. -- This year is an important election year, and trustworthy elections are essential to ensure the legitimacy of our government. They are the cornerstone of democratic governance. Fair elections protect the right to participate in the democratic...
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Can We Bridge Our Differences Over Gun Laws?
Written by Ciaran O'Connor
Greater Good Magazine; July 7, 2022

As a progressive Democrat from New York City, I’ve long associated guns with gang violence and police shootings. In 2013, I was robbed at gunpoint. An acquaintance of mine is a survivor of the mass shooting at Stoneman Douglass High School in...
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In Search of our Better Angels - Opinion Letter
Written by Herb Lape
Newsday; October 29, 2021

The nation’s deep political divisions were highlighted by the Siena College national survey. What is the antidote to this rancor? It’s listening carefully to learn what those on the other side believe and how they came to their beliefs, and it’s speaking....
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Have you written or do you know of a recent story that was published about the Braver Angels of New York state that you don't see here? Send it to us at and we will add it to our archives!